Monday, September 27, 2010

Just Go.

Is my life just going crazy?
I am so ready for a little change. I have two weeks left at the Beer-Bottle-Labeling-Factory. Yes. I actually gave my two week notice yesterday and I start at Netflix on October 11th.
Sometimes it feels like Oct. 11th is 2,000 years away.

I am trying to take each day and enjoy it...even if all I am doing is flipping cases of beer bottles.
I have made up imaginary friends that I talk to sometimes. (Danitra is funny cause she, "don't care what no one say." She does what she wants.)

I love the weekends, and the good thing about this job is that my weekend consists of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (I only work Mon-Thurs.)
On the weekends I have been going to GodSong church in Newberg, OR and I have been L-O-V-I-N-G it. I've made many new friends and I feel like a part of the Thomason family. They are so loving.

I love feeling encouraged.
I love encouraging.
I hope you feel encouraged.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pump Up The Cake

What a wonderful day, huh!?
I woke up, had some quiche for breakfast, went to work, threw beer bottles onto a production line, came home...and GOT A NEW JOB!

Yes, it is quite true. I found out today that I got the position with Netflix. I am going to be one of their customer service representatives. (So, if you ever have a problem with your Netflix account, you have a one in five hundred chance of getting me when you call into the Call Center.)

That's exciting!

I am thrilled about this because I feel like I will enjoy this SO much more than the beer bottle job, plus, it's much better pay. (Thank you, Netflix!)

Unfortunately, I won't be starting until around I will be doing awe-inspiring things until then.
What kind of awe-inspiring things, you ask?

Such awe-inspiring things as baking little cakes that look like Pumpkins and Leaves and filling them with delicious frosting!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Love Day

Good Evening and Good Day to you.

It has been a few days since we last communicated, but fear not, I think about you all the time. It was Labor Day weekend and I had Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon off. It was so nice to relax, hang out with friends, visit with family, chill at Starbucks.
(By the way: Pumpkin Spice Lattes are already back! Amen to that!)

After work today I was driving around and I got this weird feeling. The only thing is, it's not TOO weird, because I have been having this feeling a lot lately. It's that feeling where you know you are meant for more.
Do you feel me on this one?

Please don't get me wrong when I say this, but it is not my forte in life to flip beer bottles onto a conveyor belt. It really isn't. I am SO completely thankful that, in this economy I was able to get a job! However, I know that God has other things planned for me.

Even though I don't technically enjoy flipping beer bottles, I can do it with a smile on my face...and, I do. I smile and even sometimes giggle to myself as I am flipping those bottles because I know the truth.

Do you ever feel that way?

I love you. I really do love. Sometimes I want to love so much that I can't possibly figure out a way to express it. But, simply put:
            I love.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bottle Jugglin'

I just want everyone to know that because of my help, there are now approximately 66,000 more beautiful beer bottles in this world.

Yes, that is correct. I have spent these past four days flipping cases of boring and drab beer bottles onto a conveyor belt where a machine magically paints wonderful images of bicycles, men with their fists pumped into the air, and salmon fish swimming through leaves on them.
It was actually kind of cool because this machine is the ONLY one in America. It can process thousands of bottles an hour...and it can print a label 360 degrees onto the bottle.
Now, as fun and cool as that may be, I was not really doing anything fun. I started my ten hour days at 5:00 am and was simply flipping cases of beer bottles onto a conveyor belt the whole time. I started out only being able to flip one case at a time. However, as the hours flew by and the skills came about, I switched to flipping two boxes at once.
By the morning of the third day, I officially became a three-box-flipper. I know. I know. You are all so jealous...but not everyone has the skills to flip three cases of empty beer bottles onto a conveyor belt.

It is the weekend for me now, though. And a long one at that! I have Friday, Saturday, Sunday AND Monday (Labor Day) off. What am I going to do with myself?

Tomorrow I get my first real paycheck in THREE YEARS!
NO JOKE! I am going to buy everyone a pony. (Hopefully I worked enough for that!)
And I love your smile.