Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wow, if New York City is not the greatest place in the entire world, then it has me completely fooled!

I love this place, seriously! I know a lot of people make fun of it and say it's dirty and there is a lot of trash and there are rats in the subway...but I get so happy EVERY TIME I see a rat.

I'm serious.

I started my job at Starbucks yesterday and it was great...kind of slow and boring because I was training, but I know that I am going to love the job! I have always wanted to work for  Starbucks, but I guess the Starbucks in Oregon are not interested in hiring an outgoing man who is full of passion and loves to interact with people.
At least the NYC Starbucks saw me and understood me. It's nice to be understood. Ha.

I also got a second job as an FDA with Equinox Gym. For those of you who don't know what an FDA is, it's a Front Desk Associate. It sounds more official than it really is. I answer phones, greet gym members, and pretty much help out in anyway possible. (Once again, another job that is PERFECT for me!)

I love people.
I love them a lot!
I am so glad that for both of my jobs, I get to interact with people and make them feel so loved. I mean, seriously, what an amazing job to say that I just spread the love all around!?

I love you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trouble On The Tracks?

I am in New York.
And it is beautiful.
Yesterday my friend Jeremy and I walked from the top of Central Park to the bottom...which, if you didn't know, is approximately 50 blocks. Then, we did a whole lot more walking around ChinaTown and other parts of the city. In all, I probably walked more than 100 blocks. (Yes, my feet were sore.)

Today has already proven to be an interesting day. I went to Target in the Bronx because I needed to get some groceries. I hopped on the 1 train at 181 Street and started riding it, only to find out that it was running express ALL the way to the end of the line!
I ended up on 242 Street in the Bronx. Then I transferred to the downtown train and literally sat there for about fifteen minutes.
I guess what had happened was there was a train on 158th Street that had it's emergency brake pulled...this, in turn, backed up all trains behind it.

When I finally walked through the doors of Target, about an hour had gone by...
It should have only taken me about ten minutes.


Let the games begin!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh Wow.

Oh my gosh!
Can you believe that I just completely forgot to blog!? I, honest to God, FORGOT to blog!

Well, it is now eight days away. I will be moving to the wonderful city of New York! Do you understand? This is a dream come true for me!
Yesterday I went to church, and, woah! Hold me back, Jesus...or, rather, DON'T hold me back! I am ready for anything! God is so good and I know He has everything ready!

Another thing, GodSong's first cd, "Pour It Out" has now come out!! I was so lucky to have been asked to do the background vocals on the cd, and I can tell you, it turned out so well. I have been listening to it and worshipping to it for hours and hours.

Gah!! Life is so good. I really hope that all of you guys are doing well. I hope you are finding your dreams and running towards them!
Keep the dreams alive!