Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey everyone! I went to Starbucks this morning and I made the first official count:

23 Days until I move to the BigApple!

Life has been going good and I have been trying to get a little more organized with stuff. I am in the process of writing out a few lists. (1) Phone numbers. (2) Email addresses. (3) Previous work history. (4) Previous addresses.
Did you guys know that I haved lived in SIXTEEN different houses in my 22 years of life!?! What is up with that!?
I figure it would be a good idea to have a hard copy of all that information in case something ever happens to the computer...which, by the way, BOTH of my parents PCs broke down! Yes, I am typing this blog on my iPod... Ha.
I am going to head out for now, but I do have some good news!
I got an interview with Equinox Gym in NYC! They want to speak with me when I move there in 23 days! I am super stooped about it cause I would get a free gym membership!
Alright, love ya!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Well, Hello Hello!

As you have already been informed, I am not working for Netflix. I turned the job down because I am moving to NYC next month.
I was able to keep the job with the temp company and I was sent out to Milwaukie, Oregon today to work for The Old Spaghetti Factory!(TOSF)

I was working at the factory that creates all the furnishings for TOSF. It was actually a pretty cool place. They had tons of chandeliers and Tiffany stained glass lamps hanging from the rafters.
We were helping to load a truck with furnishings for a new TOSF in Chandler, Arizona. (Which I guess is near Phoenix.)

Yes, Chandler, you are welcome...even though you didn't ask me.

I did enjoy myself today. I woke up and was expecting the traffic to be bad, so I left real early and, low and behold, was 1/2 an hour early. I stopped at Starbucks and sipped a wonderful cup of freshly brewed coffee. It wasn't until AFTER Starbucks that I got lost...but I still made it on time.

Then I got lost on my way home also.
It's all good, though.
I love you.

P.S: The Old Spaghetti FACTORY is not related to The Old Spaghetti WAREHOUSE. The WAREHOUSE is actually a knockoff of the FACTORY. Crazy, huh!?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's kind if intimidating when you decided to step out.
If I were to lose sight of what God has for me, I honestly would have stress hives all over my body.

This whole move to NYC.

Every once in a while I find myself worrying about it. I start to wonder how everything is going to pan out.

Where am I going to live?
How am I going to get a job?
How will I afford food?
How will I afford public transportation?

The questions come at me fast and they come at me hard. Before I know it, my mind is engulfed in this war.

Take today.
I have made the decision not to do the Netflix job. As much as I WANT to do the job, I know it would be wrong to take it. It would be wrong for me to go into this job knowing that two weeks after they are done training me, I will be getting on a plane to move to NYC.
Yet, I don't know where I am going to be working for the next month now! I can talk to the temp place I was working at and see if they will let me work for the next month.
But nothing is guaranteed.

Do you see how easily I could stress about this?

But I cannot let this stress me out. I know that everything is going to work out. I know that I will have a place to work and live and that my food and transportation and laundry and basic needs will be taken care of.

I also know that I have NO idea HOW it will come to be. But, it will. I know that the decisions I have made have been through faith and that is, literally, all I can believe in at this point.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Move

Time for some news.

As you probably know, my heart is in NYC and my body wants to be with it.
I moved away from the Dream Center and came home to work for a little bit so I could move to the wonderful city of New York.


I bought a plane ticket.

Yes. It's true. I'm not joking with you.
I can list all the reasons for why it is NOT a good idea for me to have bought this ticket. I can tell you why it would be smarter for me to stay home longer and work more. I could tell you why I know some people are not going to be supportive of me with this decision... be honest, all of that is moot.
I know that this is part of my destiny and I am stepping out in faith.

I cannot believe that I am doing this. Sometimes it seems SO crazy, but I am so excited for all that God has for me.

With that said, I cannot wait to fly to New York City on November 16th.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Hives

I am DONE! (Said with exclamation in voice.)
I decided to take the next week off and enjoy life before starting my job at Netflix...a job that I am very excited to start!

I went into the beer-bottle place the other day and made a ghastly discovery on my right bicep:


Now, fear not. I have had stress hives before and this is a TINY one compared to my other "outbreak". I know what to do now when I get them. Instead of thinking they are bedbug bites and freaking out, I start to understand and pay attention to the little things.
I stop to take little "breather" breaks every once in a while.
I turn off the music in the car, roll down the windows and listen to the world.
I make plans with friends that I look forward to.
I realize...there is no point to stressing!

Of course, I didn't react fast enough because I have found a few more since then, but they are starting to go down and soon they will be no more.

Gallelukai! (That's for Tarvoris.)

I also decided to watch a National Geographic documentary on Stress. (Yes, Titus, I did watch a documentary!) It was ok. I did realize something, though. It was talking about how if you are on the "lower rung" of the social ladder or the corporate ladder, you are more susceptible to stress. Because of the demands on your life you get more stressed.

Now you may be saying, "Duh, Tyler!"
What I realized, though, is that as a child of God...I already have everything I need. There really is no point for me to stress because, when I don't get the pay raise or the recognition from the boss...I have other priorities in my life that trump my job and social status.

So, cheers to a long and stress free life!